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From the Archives: Vic and Jacke Barnes discuss life in the wilds of Alaska

(This story was originally published on February 9, 2017. Vic Barnesā€™ memorial service is Saturday July 16 at 11 a.m. at Hermit Park in Westcliffe on the far southeast side of town. Events at the Custer County Fairgrounds have been delayed 30 mins to 12:30 to accommodate the services. Vic was always a huge supporter of local youth activities and would wish for everyone to attend the local livestock auction and award ceremony.)Ā  While love is a universal emotion and celebrated every year during Saint Valentine’s day, the cultural traditions of courtship, marriage, and family life change with the generations. Local residents Vic and Jacke Barnes recounted their lives together, the joys and frustrations of marriage, and a long unforgettable journey across the American West…