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Posts tagged as “Westcliffe history”

Peaks of the Past: A Valley Retrospect

(Information was gleaned from copies of the Sierra Jour­nal and the Wet Mountain Tribune, all from the fourth week in January.) 140 Years Ago – 1885 (The Seirra Journal, Rosita) Twenty two degrees below zero last Thursday at 11 o’clock p.m. How does that strike you? Ex Vice President Schayler Colfax dropped dead in a depot at Mankato, Minnessota, on the 11th inst., from extreme cold and over exertion. Pigs feet on ice at A. Walter’s. A great many strangers are in town. Mails now reach Rosita at night, which gives it to us sev­eral hours earlier than before. The rink is doing a thriving business. Go skate and be merry, or make the others be merry at the cost of a few falls. Why…