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Posts tagged as “New Outllook Dental”

Custer County Hospital District Approves Merger with Heart of the Rockies Regional Medical Center in Salida

–This article is sponsored by New Outlook Dental, now located in downtown Westcliffe, Colorado. Call them at 719-544-6788 At their October 31 meeting, the West Custer County Hospital District Board voted unanimously to approve the business plan for a proposed merger with Heart of the Rockies Regional Medical Center (HRRMC). This business plan was approved by the HRRMC Board of Directors at their meeting on October 22, and resulted in a letter of intent to begin work on the merger. The process is estimated to take about 6-8 months, and will result in HRRMC taking over administration of the Custer County Medical Center. “I don’t think I’ve ever run into a situation as unique as this,” said Bob Morasko, CEO of HRRMC, referring to the…