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Wet Mountain Tribune

The billion-year-old fault that caused the Hardscrabble rockslide and why fixing the problem for good won’t be easy

There was something unique about the rockslide that closed the intersection of Highway 96 and 165, known locally as Mackenzie Junction, as previously reported in the Tribune on Sunday, December 29. The narrow and winding highway from the junction to Wetmore is flanked on the north side by thousands of feet of vertical and exposed rock outcroppings. Every year, a few rocks slide or tumble onto the blacktop after large rainstorms or during the spring thaw. However, when the highway is closed, it is because large boulders have broken loose and landed on the roadway. Sometimes, these boulders and the other rocks it jars lose on the way down are the size of a small house, and it takes considerable work to blast the behemoth…