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Posts tagged as “William Shelver”

Palace Drug owner steering a legacy Canon City company back to Silver Cliff

What is it like to acquire a legacy company along with its historic building in CaƱon City and then expand the business to Silver Cliff? Dr. William Shelver of Palace Drug views his ownership and management of the company as a caretaker, someone who recognizes his role in preserving its heritage. Shelver is a licensed pharmacist and received his degree of Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) degree from the University of Colorado in 2007. In 2007 he bought stock in the company, and by 2020 he became the sole owner. In 2020, the impetus to open the business in Silver Cliff was a need based on demand by Custer County residents. “We were delivering prescriptions to Westcliffe and Silver Cliff customers in 2020, and then a…