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Posts tagged as “real estate”

Housing for those starting out in the Valley has never been more difficult and it causes losses to local businesses

The Custer County Workforce Housing Committee (WHC) held a regular meeting on October 9. Under Old Business, member Max Hanson, regional housing director for the Upper Arkansas Area Council of Governments (UAACOG), announced that a presentation about a capitalization model involving Enterprise Community Partners, an investment capital group specializing in affordable housing financing, was off the agenda, as the state had recently terminated its contract with them. Hanson also reported that the transfer of seven lots in Silver Cliff, designated for self-help housing, from the county to UAACOG was on the county commissionersā€™ agenda for October 24. Barry Keene announced that Custer County School Superintendent Thom Peck was going to be joining the WHC as a voting member, and that Peckā€™s presentation on the Bobcat…