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Posts tagged as “Custer County Mining History”

1924 “We have a high school!” Custer County Peaks of the Past

(Information was gleaned mostly from copies of the Wet Mountain Tribune unless note otherwise, all from the first week in January) 140 Years Ago – 1884FromĀ The Sierra Journal,Ā RositaĀ  Every smoker should try ā€œLittle Joker.ā€Ā  The Bullion output of Colorado for 1883 closely approximates $18,000,000. We still lead the world.Ā  Custer County increased her miner output for ā€™83 over the previous year over $150,000. With ordinary good luck this year she will double figures of last.  Joe Chaffee has announced himself a candidate for Senator. Mr. Chaffee will relieve a vast burden of anxiety if he will state how much he proposes to put up. Also, will he render assistance to Horace in the gubernatorial line.  The following was handed us by a gentleman from Chicago who spent several days in looking about our mines…