The Wet Mountain Valley will be hit by extremely high winds Tuesday morning before dawn. The official forecast puts the wind speeds at over 65 miles an hour, however, that is an average windspeed for Custer County. Some areas might see wind speeds over 100 – 130 miles per hour particularly along the Valley floor. This is the equivalent of a hurricane category 3 force wind.
Kody Wilson with Denver & Front Range Weather made this comment today, “Tuesday really concerns me. It’s going to get SUPER WINDY on Tuesday ahead of an afternoon cold front. Southern Colorado, particularly the Sangre de Cristo Mountain range, and the I-25 corridor between Colorado Springs and Trinidad/Raton Pass could easily eclipse 90-100mph wind gusts Tuesday morning into early Tuesday afternoon.” https://www.facebook.com/DenverFrontRangeWX
It is important to secure any loose items outside the house a prepare for power-outages. In addition, the fire danger goes up during such wind events. High-profile vehicles should not be driven.
For more information please visit noaa.gov.
– Jordan Hedberg