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Fantastical comedic dual of Picasso vs Einstein a huge hit

The Westcliffe Center for the Performing Arts is offering the best in live theater and comedy in their current production of Steve Martinā€™s play Picasso at the Lapin Agile. Picasso and Einstein walk into a barā€¦and you can take it from there. The play celebrates the start of the 20th century with views of science and art in Paris when characters in 1904 meet a surprise guest from the future, and it rolls from there.

Performances are on April 28 and 29 at 7:30 p.m., and a matinee on April 30 at 2:00 p.m. The play is at the historic Jones Theater on Main Street. Season tickets are still available if you call by April 30; call 719-783-3004 to reserve tickets and for further information, or email

ā€“ Ellen Glover